Combining Natural Elements & Antique Furniture in Interior Design

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This renovation project was a blank canvas. The client wanted to incorporate the style they had throughout the house and blend it with natural elements as well as antique pieces. It required extra thinking on our end to make sure we made the room stand out, but also incorporated the style of the homeowners. 

Home Design Project Overview

The biggest challenge we faced with this project was the epidemic. Workers were staying home, and production stopped around the world. Things were being delayed, products were unavailable, factories were running out of materials. Luckily, we were almost finished and only needed to wait on a few items. Thankfully, our clients were understanding and patient, knowing that everyone in our industry was facing a similar situation.

The focal point of this project was to have a seamless flow between all the areas of the house. Our main focus for this project was the last room to be completed and it needed to balance with the colors and other pieces in the home. 

Our favorite part was creating the end result, from delivering the furniture to adding the right accessories. Every design is different, and with this one, we were able to incorporate lots of natural elements that brought delight to our clients. 

The final result shows how different styles can be incorporated together without sacrificing the look. We all have items that were passed down to us from generation to generation. We don’t want to see them get lost or put in storage, we enjoy bringing them back to life with a new twist. 

Home Design Project Q & A

  • What is the style of this home?  Rustic, contemporary and traditional.
  • What was a unique challenge you ran into? With the epidemic causing delays, we had to be honest with our client about setbacks and timeframes on a few of the items we purchased. 
  • What was the most delightful part of the design? Seeing all the different pieces come together at the end. It was striking to see.
  • How did you collaborate with the client? Our client wanted to to utilize their favorite heirloom furniture pieces. We new what they wanted to keep in the room and we worked hard to make sure the pieces that had work with everything that we selected for them. 
  • How did you think outside the box? We originally selected fabrics that increased the cost of the project but we had to rethink the fabric selections to make it budget-friendly without the sacrificing the design.